They are not nice

Now I'm in a middle of foundation class. Seriously I can't wait to end all these classes. Some of the students are soo snobbish!.I have another 2 days to enter this class. Alhamdulillah tomorrow I will be on leave. Free myself from all the stuck up students. I'm going to chill with my clique from my school/department to eat and shop till we drop. We seriously need to take a break,sit back and relax after having sooo tiring exam weeks,marking all the final exam papers,work out on the results and now the chosen person,ME have to face all the new and stuck up peeps!

Then on Thursday I will be back to wrap up these classes. Some motivation will be given. Emm..motivation???I would say...I will bambu them left n right. Hopefully they will realize that what they did during the foundation weeks are bad. Too bad .The didn't respect the lecturers,talks very loud in class,tease each other while lecturer explaining in front n get into the class very late. This is not only happened to me but other lecturers too. I would say the unlucky lecturers.

They are soo different compared to the university students. I just can't forget during my study time when we(the students) are very good n talks nicely to the lecturers and behave nicely in class. For this college students there are only 5% of them are being very2 good,follow Islamic teaching,follow all the rules and regulations here. The rest of them are just !@#$%^. Emmm...that's why they didn't get any offers from the local university. Abroad univ? with this attitude? emm...only in their dreams...

I was wondering how they behave during their school time??emmm.pity to their secondary school teacher. And pity for ME now for having them as my students. Ohh dear...why me? why here? why them? ;P

And now..I'm relief..Alhamdulillah..

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TiNiE said...

yeap. just let it go if this can make u relieves... u go mama!!!

Naddiea said...

kak tinie,tq..dh let go tp thursday akan jumpe derang lagi.huhu...nasib dh nk abes.

MariaFaizal said...

Lecturers = Teachers

Respectable occupations. Don't give up just yet Nad. InsyaAllah pray that God will open their hearts & minds to be better.

Most importantly don't get upset by these insensitive problematic students. Take care dear...

Dj Epoi said...

SABAQ je lah .......

Naddiea said...

kak maria,hopefully Allah will give me strength to face them.they love to complaint about people.i just can't stand that.i wish they wont be my students.

bor,tgh dok sabaq la ni.harap2 kesabaran saya berbaloi ( dgn tidak mengajar mereka lagi).amin

wan fatimah wan hussain said...

sabar je akak...mudahan2 ALLAH permudahka, semua urusan akak...kat jepun ni dah musim sakura@bunga...cantik sangat...mai la jalan2 kat jepun ni...selagi kami ada kat jepun ni,tahun depan bulan8 kami balik msia

Naddiea said...

ima,nanti kite jumpe ekk insyaallah...nak pegi jepun tp x tau la bile.tggu ima balik sini la kite jumpe ye.